
Friday, July 24, 2020

My tik tac toe

We have been doing space tasks one of the tasks was scan QR codes and get the answers it it really fun another task was to make rocket ships we would go onto a website and make our own rockets with unlimited money and if anyone wants to check out the QR code slide here is a link check it out it would mean a lot it took a fair bit of time My Slide

Friday, July 3, 2020

Southern Lights

These lights are called aurora these are normally green but sometimes can be red blue orange and if your lucky you can see pink they come from the sun and take 40 years to reach us the best place to see them is in Antarctica The Solar wind comes into contact with the gases in the Earth's atmosphere and the Earth's magnetic field. This causes the gases in our atmosphere to light up Nitrogen in the air 60 miles above the planet's surface reacts with the plasma in the solar wind and turns the sky blue